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Resilient White-Collar Recruitment Surge in Sri Lanka: Insights and Trends

In a remarkable turn of events, Sri Lanka's white-collar recruitment landscape has demonstrated its resilience, mirroring the global economic recovery trend. Drawing parallels to its Indian counterpart, the island nation's job market has shown a robust resurgence, with a surge of 40% in May, compared to the same period last year, as indicated by data from the prominent job portal,

This insightful data has been carefully curated from the expansive repository of over 76,000 employers' job postings on, offering a panoramic view of the hiring trends across various sectors, geographic regions, and experience levels within Sri Lanka.

A noteworthy trend is the meteoric rise of four sectors, each showcasing a three-digit year-on-year growth rate. These sectors include travel and hospitality (+325%), retail (+175%), real estate (+141%), and insurance (+126%). The financial pulse of the nation is palpable, with the banking and financial services sector boasting an impressive 104% uptick in annual hiring, a testament to the burgeoning economic confidence.

Not far behind are the education and automobile industries, marking their presence with an 86% and 69% increase in hiring trends, respectively. Even as the digital transformation sweeps across industries, the IT-software services sector maintained its steady growth, showing a respectable 7% increase year-on-year.

Pawan Goyal, the Chief Business Officer of, underscored the unwavering nature of this recruitment momentum, which has been sustained since the dawn of 2022. He aptly described the trends as "secular" in nature, transcending the boundaries between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, and catering to both seasoned professionals and fresh entrants into the job market.

Taking a closer look at experience levels, the statistics reveal an encouraging picture. The demand for entry-level talent, with 0-3 years of experience, experienced an astounding rise of 61%, reflecting the enthusiastic engagement of young professionals in the job market. Simultaneously, other experience brackets exhibited promising hiring sentiments, with 4-7 years (+37%), over 16 years (+27%), 13-16 years (+26%), and 8-12 years (+22%) all contributing to the upward trajectory.

This resurgence in white-collar recruitment serves as an indicator of Sri Lanka's resolute determination to rebuild its economic landscape after facing various challenges. As businesses across diverse sectors embrace transformation and innovation, the country's job market is showcasing its capacity to adapt, evolve, and ultimately thrive.

In conclusion, the buoyant recruitment activity in Sri Lanka's white-collar job market echoes the broader global recovery sentiment. With various sectors experiencing remarkable growth rates, and professionals from all experience levels witnessing heightened opportunities, the nation's workforce is well on its way to shaping a promising future.


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